
Marie Smith

I love portraiture so I include people and faces into my work whenever possible.

I also love colour and experimenting so most of my paintings are colourful expressions with as much texture as the subject allows, and is an escape from the world of letters and lines which were hallmarks of my distant career as a screen printer and sign writer.

My workshop is an evolving display of quite different effects, background materials, various media as well as my expanding interpretation and exploration of quite varied subjects.



I am motivated to paint with a theme for exhibitions.

Inside Out Exhibition held in 2022 was a joint exhibition with Jamie Congdon at The Old Fire Station Gallery Redcliffe

I have had four solo exhibitions at Artrageous Community Art Space In Deagon;

·       Wandering out West in 2017

·       Home and Away in 2018

·       A focus on Birds in 2019

·       New Directions in 2020

In 2019 -  “We Three!” A joint exhibition with two other Sandgate artists at Percolator Gallery in Paddington, Brisbane.

Several individual and shared exhibitions at the Sandgate Coffee Club

International Women’s Day Warrior Women exhibitions in 2019 and 2020


Awards are but recognition of my work as an artist. I believe an artist needs to challenge themselves in various ways and to encourage their peers as well. As a means of challenging my colleges in SasArt, I document as many art competitions as I can in the SasArt weekly newsletter as I am the President of Sandgate Art Society and newsletter editor.

2021 Finalist in the Foot Square Exhibition at Aspire Gallery

2021 SasArt Easter Art Show – 2D – Highly Commended

2021 SasArt Easter Art Show – 3D - Highly Commended

2021 RQAS – 3D Different Dimensions – Highly Commended

2020 Finalist in the Brisbane’s Salon de Refuse

2020 Finalist (two pieces) Lethbridge Art Awards

2019 2D First Prize – Expressions Exhibition Sandgate

2017 Finalist Moreton Bay Art Awards

2016 Winner Gallery 4017 Community Exhibitions

E-mail:       Phone – 0417 739341   Facebook: Marie Smith and Marie Smith Art page…Instagram: mariesmithart